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Call for papers - Law and Rights in end of life issues (BioLaw Journal 3/16)
Anno 2016

The Editorial Board of BioLaw Journal – Rivista di BioDiritto has the pleasure of launching, in occasion of the eight issue of the Journal, a call for papers dedicated to the theme of end of life issues.

The complete text of the call in available in the download box below. 

The traditional and well-explored topic of end of life issues always offers new motives for reflection in the biolegal and bioethical arena, both at the theoretical and institutional level.

Dying is a process more and more influenced by new technological and scientific developments. Over years, this process was affected by a progressive expansion of the space for individual choice and self-determination concerning the way and time to be cured and the possibility of refusing treatments and interventions.

The call focuses on the latest developments in the field of biolegal and bioethical issues related to end of life, both from a general and theoretical perspective (for example with regard to the thorny constitutional framing of euthanasia and assisted suicide, to the role of the judiciary in front of restrictive legal rules…) and through the description and analyses of more specific matters, among which:

- end of life decisions by incapable people;

- the special situation of vegetative and minimally conscious states and the impact of most recent neuroscientific research developments;

- issues related to permanent and continuous sedation;

- the definitions of futility, disproportionate therapy, overtreatment…;

- financial and economic issues related to resource allocation and to healthcare services’ sustainability;

- the new frontiers of the right to try for terminally ill patients.

The call welcomes contributions not only from all legal disciplines, but also from other sciences, such as ethics and philosophy, medicine, history, sociology, psychology, economics and so on.

Submitted papers will be anonymously evaluated by an ad hoc scientific committee and selected for publication on the Journal also on the basis of their touch of originality.

Manuscripts shall not exceed 80.000 characters (spaces included) and could be submitted in Italian, English, Spanish or French (an abstract in English is required). Author guidelines are available here .

The deadline for electronic submission to is 15 September 2016.

Here the Italian version of the call.

Pubblicato il: Lunedì, 08 Agosto 2016 - Ultima modifica: Sabato, 03 Agosto 2019
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