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Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità - European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: rapporto sullo stato di salute negli USA
Anno 2013

Lo European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies ha pubblicato, per la serie HiT – Health Systems in Trasition, un rapporto sullo stato di salute negli Stati Uniti.

The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series provide detailed descriptions of health systems in the countries of the WHO European Region as well as some additional OECD countries. An individual health system review (HiT) examines the specific approach to the organization, financing and delivery of health services in a particular country and the role of the main actors in the health system. It describes the institutional framework, process, content, and implementation of health and health care policies. HiTs also look at reforms in progress or under development and make an assessment of the health system based on stated objectives and outcomes with respect to various dimensions (health status, equity, quality, efficiency, accountability).

Maggiori informazioni a questo link .

Il rapporto è disponibile a questo link .

Lucia Busatta
Parole chiave
Pubblicato il: Sabato, 21 Settembre 2013 - Ultima modifica: Giovedì, 08 Agosto 2019
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