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UK - High Court (Family Division) - D and L (Surrogacy): genitorialità di una coppia omosessuale a seguito di GPA senza consenso della madre biologica
28 settembre 2012

Una coppia di omosessuali, coniugati in Belgio, si è vista riconoscere dalla Family Division della High Court of Justice britannica la potestà genitoriale nei confronti di due gemelli nati a seguito di un “formal court surrogacy agreement”, nonostante l’impossibilità di ottenere il consenso della madre naturale.

EWHC 2631 (Fam)

Inter alia, nei casi di maternità surrogata, la normativa inglese (s.54 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008) richiede, perché venga riconosciuta la potestà genitoriale agli “intended parents” che:

«(a)the woman who carried the child, and

(b)any other person who is a parent of the child but is not one of the applicants (including any man who is the father by virtue of section 35 or 36 or any woman who is a parent by virtue of section 42 or 43),

have freely, and with full understanding of what is involved, agreed unconditionally to the making of the order».

Tale requisito del consenso può essere superato solo nel caso in cui la persona «cannot be found or is incapable of giving agreement»; inoltre, «the agreement of the woman who carried the child is ineffective for the purpose of that subsection if given by her less than six weeks after the child's birth».

Justice Baker conclude che «I do, however, take into account the fact that as a matter of law the children's welfare is my paramount consideration, and I further take into account that any further delay in reaching a decision is likely to be prejudicial to their welfare. I also take into account as required by the welfare checklist to be applied by virtue of the 2010 regulations, that there is realistically no likelihood that the twins would have any relationship with the surrogate, gestational mother, or any member of her family.

34.  In the circumstances of this case, therefore, I conclude that the agreement of the surrogate mother Miss B is not required on the grounds that she cannot be found. 
35. In future cases, however, Applicants and their advisors should learn the lessons of this case, and take steps to ensure that clear lines of communication with the surrogate are established before the birth to facilitate the giving of consent after the expiry of the six week period».

Nel box download la sentenza completa in formato .pdf (fonte Family News week).

Pubblicato il: Venerdì, 28 Settembre 2012 - Ultima modifica: Venerdì, 31 Maggio 2019
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