Contributo di Antonio Iannuzzi accettato per la pubblicazione nel fascicolo n. 2/2021 di BioLaw Journal - Rivista di Biodiritto (dove comparirà nella forma adatta alla citazione).
Online First - BLJ 2/21: Il destino dei feti abortiti. Uno sguardo d'insieme su una questione complessa
Online first: 25 maggio 2021
Abstract: This essay analyses the legislation’s shortcomings regarding the burial of aborted fetuses. With the aim of suggesting some revisions of the national legislation in this field, in a context of inaction by the legislator, the paper analyses in particular: a) the question concerning the right to choose the fate of the fetus; b) the possibility of giving the fetus to scientific research, also in consideration of some uses, such as that relating to the experimentation and production of vaccines (also against Covid-19); c) the difficulty of conceiving that the fetus has a right to be buried.
Altri autori
Antonio Iannuzzi
Pubblicato il: Martedì, 25 Maggio 2021