Il fascicolo n. 3/19 di BioLaw Journal - Rivista di Biodiritto ospiterà un focus dedicato ai temi dell'Intelligenza Artificiale, all'interno del quale saranno ricompresi tre documenti incentrati sui più rilevanti profili giuridici, etici e tecnologici. I documenti sono stati redatti all’interno della riflessione proposta dalla Fondazione Leonardo e hanno lo scopo di porre le basi critiche per un futuro dibattito di natura interdisciplinare.
Online first - BLJ 3/19: Profili giuridici, etici e tecnologici dell'Intelligenza Artificiale
Di seguito titoli, autori e abstract dei tre pezzi (che compariranno nel numero 3/19 nella forma adatta alla citazione):
1. AI: profili giuridici - Intelligenza artificiale: criticità emergenti e sfide per il giurista
Alessandro Pajno, Marco Bassini, Giovanni De Gregorio, Marco Macchia, Francesco Paolo Patti, Oreste Pollicino, Serena Quattrocolo, Dario Simeoli, Pietro Sirena
Abstract: The research aims at exploring the main legal issues triggered by the implementation of Artificial Intelligence systems, with a view to identifying possible solutions for regulators and lawmakers at national and supranational level. The study moves from a comprehensive overview covering the existing soft law instruments, the core areas captured in academic speculation and the latest developments in case law. It then separately addresses selected sensitive issues that should be on public and private policymakers’ agenda, most notably: the governance of AI; the impact of AI systems on public law; the relationship between AI systems and private and criminal law as well as procedural law. For each of these areas, the research analyzes how the rise of AI systems calls into question well established legal categories and which remedies lawmakers and regulators should take into account to reconcile the need to foster technological developments and that of protecting fundamental rights.
2. AI: profili etici - Una prospettiva etica sull'intelligenza artificiale: princìpi, diritti e raccomandazioni
Stefano Quintarelli, Francesco Corea, Fabio Fossa, Andrea Loreggia, Salvatore Sapienza
Abstract: As technologies become more and more pervasive in our everyday life new questions arise, for example, about security, accountability, fairness and ethics. These concerns are about all the realities that are involved or committed in designing, implementing, deploying and using the technology. This document addresses such concerns by presenting a set of practical obligations and recommendations for the development of applications and systems based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. These are derived from a definition of rights resulting from principles and ethical values rooted in the foundational charters of our social organization.
3. AI: profili tecnologici - Automazione e Autonomia: dalla definizione alle possibili applicazioni dell’Intelligenza Artificiale
Maria Chiara Carrozza, Calogero Oddo, Simona Orvieto, Alberto di Minin, Gherardo Montemagni
Abstract: There is a multitude of definitions of artificial intelligence (AI). The paper aims to provide keys of interpretation and a set of comprehensible definitions of AI, which are then utilized in multiple sub-fields of technology applications such as healthcare, education, security and defense. The analysis starts from providing a definition of the constituent elements of AI technology: Data, Big Data, Cloud, Algorithm and Machine Learning. The application of AI will also involve changes of a cultural and behavioral nature. These effects make it even more important to understand the impact that AI may have in technological, sociological, political and legal fields.
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