Contributo di Carlo Casonato accettato per la pubblicazione nel fascicolo n. 3/2020 di BioLaw Journal - Rivista di Biodiritto (dove comparirà nella forma adatta alla citazione).
Online first - BLJ 3/20: Health at the time of CoViD-19: Tyrannical, Denied, Unequal Health
Carlo Casonato
Online first: 28 agosto 2020
ABSTRACT: COVID-19 is producing a number of changes in the meaning of health. In order to protect our health, States have restricted the exercise of many rights: movement, education, work, etc. Health has thus become a tyrant that crushes all other rights. On the other hand, shortages impose choices for access to intensive care beds, leading to a tragic selection between those who can be treated and those who cannot. In this way, COVID-19 has denied the health of the excluded. Finally, the pandemic has revealed a condition of great inequality in access to treatment. The article examines these dynamics within a framework of constitutional principles in order to draw lessons for the possible emergence of new pandemics.