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Diritto e tecnologia nella recente riflessione giuridica comparata: "etichette" concettuali, sistemi di produzione normativa e metodi della comparazione

Simone Penasa

Articolo di Penasa Simone pubblicato in DIRITTO PUBBLICO COMPARATO ED EUROPEO, Fascicolo Speciale/2024, novembre, p. 951-978

The article aims at systematising the complex but necessary relationship between the legal and the scientific dimension, in the light of the contribution offered by the essays published in the Journal DPCE (and its online version, DPCE online). Three levels of evolution within the legal space, resulting from the progressive penetration of technical-scientific innovation into the latter, are detected: the taxonomy that the legal scholarship has progressively proposed in order to rationalise this relationship; its impact on the methods and tools of the law-making process, on the one hand, and on the methods of comparative law, on the other hand.

Pubblicato il: Lunedì, 11 Novembre 2024 - Ultima modifica: Giovedì, 23 Gennaio 2025
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