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Digital pills: a scoping review of the empirical literature and analysis of the ethical aspects

Carlo Casonato

Martani, A., Geneviève, L.D., Poppe, C. et al. Digital pills: a scoping review of the empirical literature and analysis of the ethical aspects. BMC Med Ethics 21, 3 (2020).

Digital Pills (DP) are an innovative drug-device technology that permits to combine traditional medications with a monitoring system that automatically records data about medication adherence as well as patients’ physiological data. Although DP are a promising innovation in the field of digital medicine, their use has also raised a number of ethical concerns. These ethical concerns, however, have been expressed principally from a theoretical perspective, whereas an ethical analysis with a more empirically oriented approach is lacking. There is also a lack of clarity about the empirical evidence available concerning the application of this innovative digital medicine.

Altri autori

Andrea Martani, Lester Darryl Geneviève, Christopher Poppe, Carlo Casonato, Tenzin Wangmo 

Pubblicato il: Mercoledì, 08 Gennaio 2020 - Ultima modifica: Lunedì, 13 Aprile 2020
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